Our favorite product that we use, and sell is 303 Fabric Guard from Sunbrella. It is easy to use, and gets the job done!

Applying 303 Fabric Guard

303 should be applied to Sunbrella fabrics after each thorough cleaning, which typically removes the original finish and reduces the fabric’s water repellency.

  1. Clean Sunbrella fabric, using one of the cleaning methods.
  2. Allow Sunbrella to completely air dry.
  3. Apply 303 Fabric Guard in a well ventilated area following instructions on the container.
  4. Apply 303 in a thin, even coat and allow fabric to dry completely.
  5. Apply a second thin, even coating of 303. (Two light coatings are more effective in restoring fabric water resistance than a single heavy coating.)
  6. Note: A 16-ounce bottle provides coverage of up to 75-100 square feet of fabric depending on material and application method.
